Changing a Customer Status

For information on Customer Statuses, see Customer Statuses.

To change a Customer Status:

  1. Click on the Customers icon in the navigation panel:
  2. The Customers page is displayed listing all customers stored in the system. At the top of the page, graphs depict the relative quantity of customers of each Customer Status and a search facility allows you to search for customers:

  3. Click on the customer whose Customer Status you want to change. The customer's Overview page is displayed.
  4. Click on Edit alongside the Details panel:
  5. The Edit customer dialog is displayed:
  6. In the Status dropdown choose the status you want to assign (the defaults available are Prospect, Active, Expired and Suspended but you can create your own customer statuses in Settings - Business Rules - Customer Statuses, see Customer Statuses).
  7. Click on Update customer to save and close the dialog.